FREE Keeping Chickens Book
"How To EASILY Raise Backyard Chickens Even If You Have No Experience"

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What People Are Saying About This Book:
Keeping Chickens helped me get set up and ready for my first flock! It’s an easy read and full of great information! Thank You Coop Care!

- Jessica F.

It’s nice knowing that you’ve included answers to many common questions in a concise, easy to find download. I printed mine out and created a binder for easy retrieval! 

- Julia A.

I’ve used Chick Fresh for awhile now and just stumbled across the Keeping Chickens e-book. I enjoy the personable way that it’s written and all of the information that y’all continue to share with those of us who keep backyard flocks! 

- Rhonda M.

The information regarding predator proofing the coop and run is fantastic! I can honestly say that it saved my flock from something that tried to dig its way in over the weekend… Thank you!  

- Missy L.
About Coop Care
Coop Care is all about providing environmentally friendly products for chicken coops and the backyard chicken enthusiast.

Our Chick Fresh product is recommended by Hoovers Hatchery, The Chicken Whisperer, Brinsea Incubation Products and other industry leaders.
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